Saturday, July 25, 2020

Youve got questions; Ive got (some) answers

You’ve got questions; I’ve got (some) answers In response to this blog entry: (As a reminder) Dont hesitate to ask me questions any time; you dont just have to wait for a blog entry that asks you to ask me questions. I can always be reached via email at bryanblogs [at] mit [dot] edu. (Take that spambot!) Nam wrote: Hi, Im Vietnamese, would you tell me about how to get a scholarship from MIT? Hi Nam, I will admit that Im not completely familiar with how international student aid works, but maybe try asking MoneyMan, Dan Barkowitz. Adam wrote: Hmm Could you possibly pick a random, normal day at MIT, record what happened to you at what time, and then post the information? Not just classes you attend, Im interested in what you do between classes, any interesting things you happen to do, etc. Im not sure if someone has already done this at some point, so if you know of a blogger who already has, could you give me a link? Hey Adam, Mollie 06 posted an entry like this some time ago here, and tomorrow, Ill be chronicling my day, and will post once I see a logical end to my day. Brendan asked, What do most MIT students want to do once they graduate? Do they generally want to go directly into industry? Research? Education? Is there any difference in lecture with students wanting to do different things? Hey Brendan, MIT students go off to do a lot of different things when they graduate. A lot of students pursue 5th year masters, some go on to industry, etc. Theres a more detailed breakdown about the Class of 2005 here. As far as lecture goes, I dont see much of a difference because I generally feel as though were being prepared to solve problems, and in anything most MIT students do in their future, theyll be solving problems. Alia wrote: Hi! I am trying to decide if I should apply to MIT. I have been reading the blogs (and they are wonderful,) but I am still in a state of doubt. I dont know what I want to do with my life ( I like everything,) and neuroscience is a definite possibility but English is just as likely a potential major. Ive never been a science kid, and I havent done much within the field, but it is something that interests me. Based on what Ive read, it seems like everyone maintains a balance in what they do, but they also all seem to be prodigies in science and already I have a me-them mentality If MIT was a nice match for me, wouldnt I feel more united with what everyone is saying? I dont know! I want to be happy and successful but I am a little insecure with the high potency of high-logic thought here. I think Id probably be really happy at a strong Liberal Arts programdoes that already nix me from being a good candidate? Hey Alia, Thanks for your support of the blogs =) As far as your question goes, this is a toughie. I dont really like to make claims as to whether or not someone is a good candidate because in my opinion being an MIT student is more than just liking math and science, its about wanting to make a difference in the world. Im also just a student and not an admissions officer. If you like what you see of MIT and you think youd like to explore the opportunity, Id say apply. I am very much a supporter of taking chances and increasing the number of options when I need to make a decision. Sean wrote: Hi, I am a high school junior and I have been aiming for MIT since I could remember. I have read countless times that MIT wants you, the applicant, to be yourself. Is this true? I cant shake the feeling that I need to solve the meaning of life in order to be considered an eligible applicant. I know I can go far in MIT, its getting in that has me going bonkers. Hi Sean, I think MIT definitely wants you to be yourself. I was myself when I wrote my application, and I got in :). As far as solving the meaning of life, philosophically speaking, I think the meaning of life is to seek meaning in life :^). Just be yourself and let what motivates you and excites you speak to who you are and what you want to do. John wrote: I have a question about athletics at MIT. I know that MIT is Division III, and therefore recruiting is very different than DI; however, if a strong academic candidate is also wanted by a coach, can this really help? John, to be honest, I have no idea. I played soccer in high school, and I never once communicated with the soccer coach here at MIT. To be sure though, Id ask Matt, Ben, or Nance. Mohamed wrote: Hello. I am a sophomore at Boston Latin Academy. I have a few questions for you: -Will MIT consider applicants who start up as average (3.0 GPA) in high school and then improve as a (3.8-3.9 GPA) during the last three years of high school? -Which school would you recommend to a student who would like to be an top level expert in the medical field: MIT or Harvard Medical? Hey Mohamed, MIT gives everyone a fair chance I think. Things happen, and they understand that. As far as what school I recommend, Im clearly biased. I think MIT will prepare you just as well for medical school and tackling the complex problems involved therein as well as any other school if not better given the way MIT frames problems. anonymous asked, Whats the actual party life like at MIT? Im going to assume its no animal house, but contrary to what apparently half my town thinks, the people who attend here seem to be pretty normal just exceptionally smart. Hey anonymous, One person once told it to me this way with respect to MIT students social lives. They work hard and they play hard. Ill actually dedicate a longer entry to this in the near future as I think it warrants one. Bianca asked: Is there anything from your MIT experience that you wish that you could keep with you forever? How easy is it to meet all the different types of people at MIT? Bianca, From my MIT experience, I think some of the most important things that Id like to keep forever is the memories of time spent with truly interesting people who have some of the most brilliant minds to ever be encountered. I will also cherish the value put on hard work and dedication that is the nuts and bolts of what MIT is. As far as how easy it is to meet different types of people, I think its really easy. There are so many events etc where you can meet people. People here dont bite, and I think its just an accepted social norm that in college people really want to get to know new people and explore new things. leah wrote: im just curious, but what the heck is recitation? Hey leah, Classes at MIT are normally broken down into different components. There are lectures where the entire class attends and the main professor lectures. Recitations are smaller mini-lectures or reviews where there are about 20 students with a TA or professor and they go over the main concepts covered in lecture, homework problems, etc. Vinita asked: Hmmhow about the music/arts section? I feel music a good way to lighten up the mood. Erpeople do call me a geek, but ironically I sing too, you can find my proficiencies in the homepage I linked up here. So I was wondering about the opportunities for potential singers apart from the regular science courses they pursue. Vinita, If you asked Michael Borohovski and the Seksi Borskis, theyd tell you its really easy to participate in arts-related activities. If you look here, youll get an idea about the musical groups here on campus. Josh V wrote: How did you decide to go into course 2 and BE? I have been looking into biomedical engineering myself. As it is offered as a minor, do you have any advice as to what other majors to look into at MIT that would be closest to biomedical engineering? Can you describe course 2 and BE in more detail in terms of what kinds of classes do you take, what are they like, etc? Hey Josh, Since this is an important question, Ill actually write an entry about this seperately. But for now, Ill say that I picked it because I really thought the material was really interesting, and I also misspelled the word prosthetics in the 6th grade spelling bee. kamal deep asked: i am a high school student. i want to know that what tests i have to give to get admission in in computers. As far as admission goes, you need to take either the SAT I with the writing component or the ACT with the writing test and two SAT 2 subject tests. Rachel W wrote: Ive never had a chance to visit MIT, so I was wondering what the environment is like. Are the people happy? Does everyone get along? How much work is there? Is there enough time during the day to do what you want (aka non-homework or non-class time)? One more question, as a freshman or sophomore, are you limited to the classes you have to take? For example, can you engage in research or independent studies? Hey Rachel, Im happy! Theres a significant amount of work but with practice, you can achieve a good balance. (Ill write a longer entry about this question as well.) As far as the number of classes you can take, you are on a credit limit your first two terms if you dont take Sophomore Standing, but this does not mean you cannot engage in research or independent studies because these activities dont have to contribute to the number of units you take. Robin wrote: Hi, I was wondering if I could get ur opinion on something. Ok, here are the statistics: first in my class, a woman, potential engineering major, diabetes disability, active in community and school, talented in music, 1200 on the SAT, and highly motivated. There. So, what do u think? Do I even have a chance at being accepted based on the people you know there? If so, what is the estimated percent range in your opinion? I know this is opinion, but still, it means something to me. Hey Robin, Im really sorry but I dont really give my opinions on admissions chances. The two reasons are 1) Im not an admissions officer and 2) I really think MIT considers so much about a person when admitting them that its really hard to say yes or no with just a few facts about you. I will say this, if you think you want MIT to consider you and you are considering MIT, then apply. Like I said above earlier, Im pro-options, and if you get in, youre giving yourself another option. Tina asked: Hello, Right, I have a bit of a tricky question/scenario. Basically I am a US citizen, but for the last 8 years I have been in the UK at boarding school. I have acquired A Levels, but due to the difference in system when I took the SATs I only did really well in the subjects I was taking (which seems fair right?) and now Im in a bit of a pickle because I want to come to university in the states and MIT is one Im looking at. Well, basically I was wondering what I counted as and what I should do, I try and phone and I never get through and blah blah. Help please, but if you cant then thanks for your time. Hey Tina, Im not sure what the right answer is, but Im sure you can explain this situation to the admissions office, and they should be able to give you a better idea. Josh wrote: Hey Bryan, Im fully convinced MIT is an awesome place, but theres one thing that keeps me worried about it: how will I possibly be accepted after my shameful high school performance? How many people get in with a relatively low GPA? (Lets say, no greater than 3.5) Hey Josh, I know people who got in with non-perfect GPAs and people who got in with perfect GPAs, but like I try to tell everyone, numbers arent the only thing MIT looks at. anonymous wrote: do you have any idea how GPA is calculated? i could get 4.0 if i include my electives , but lower if i use my academic subjects instead? youll probably tell me MIT isnt about the numbers though =) anonymous, I think MIT takes whatever your high school calculated your GPA as, but I could be wrong. If you really want to know, I would consult with Matt, Ben, or Nance. Adriano asked, Hi Bryan Im brazilian and I wish to know how much you used to spend there in one mounth, and how much I could reduce my spends there if I had financinal adds Hey Adriano, My monthly spending is so erratic its hard to say, and I think spending really depends on your living situation. For example, by living in a fraternity, I dont pay for my meals as frequently as someone who might not live in a fraternity or living group. Marcelo wrote: Hi, Well, I ¬?m brazilian academical and want discover if it ¬?s possible study at MIT for six mounth or one year, like a kind of exchange, and how can I do it. Anybody can help me in the MIT site. Hi Marcelo, MIT does have some summer research programs such as REUs and other on campus internships. I suggest you check out the departments youre interested in and see if they offer such summer programs. Hope this helps everyone. Keep the questions coming!